Wearable Technologies for Ketogenic Diet Monitoring
A Florida professor from Tampa, Dominic D’Agostino, PhD, teaches in the Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology at the University of South Florida. In addition to teaching classes, Dr. Dominic D’Agostino has interests in ketone research, ketone supplementation, ketone ester, keto nutrition, and ketone technologies to help advance the science and application of ketone metabolic therapy.
Wearables have become increasingly important in helping patients monitor their ketone levels in ketone technologies. Ketones are a consequence of the metabolic processes associated with high rates of burning fat, which can be dietary fat or stored bodyfat. Ketones are derived from high rates of fat oxidation (fat burning) and supply peripheral tissues like the heart and brain with a superior source of energy. There is abundant literature to support the neuroprotective, anti-seizure and anti-inflammatory properties of ketones.
Health-focused wearables have streamlined the tracking of patient health. Further, these wearables give clinicians a non-invasive way to monitor ketone levels, providing them with personal recommendations on addressing each patient’s issue. For example, they have become invaluable in tracking glucose levels in real-time and helping clinicians develop diet plans for their patients. As the sensors for these devices continue to advance the hardware will resemble a multisensory array that can measure ketones like beta-hydroxybutyrate, acetoacetate and acetone, and a wide range of other health biomarkers like hormones and electrolytes.
In June 2022, biotechnology firm Abbott announced that it was working on a bio-wearable sensor that monitors ketones and glucose (sugar) levels, which is important in preventing those with diabetes from developing diabetic ketoacidosis. This condition culminates in the number of ketones rising in the blood to dangerous levels. With close monitoring using these types of wearables, physicians can reduce incidences of ketoacidosis. For example, patients with diabetes must monitor and manage their blood glucose (sugar) levels within a therapeutic range, which is closely tied to metabolism and ketone production. In the absence of insulin (type-1 diabetes), ketone levels can escalate to diabetic ketoacidosis very quickly, so real-time monitoring is very important. The real-time monitoring of ketones is also a convenient way to accurately monitor if you are burning fat for fuel, since ketone production is directly proportional to the fat mobilization and oxidation. Thus, the technology can be very useful as a behavioral tool for fat loss.
Also, individuals who must adhere to a ketone-based diet or use ketone supplements to deal with health conditions can use wearables to monitor ketone levels. For instance, those who have epilepsy can reduce the incidence of seizures simply by being able to use wearables that monitor ketone levels and make dietary and supplement adjustments to ensure glucose and ketone levels are in therapeutic range for the metabolic management of that disorder.
Finally, athletes can use the wearable to see how the body uses energy. Then, based on the technology’s recommendations, they can develop a diet that optimizes athletic performance by ensuring that the levels of glucose and ketones are in optimal ranges to ensure efficient fuel flow to muscles and brain.
For more information on health biomarker tracking see ketonutrition.org